So I (Mikayla) left Guatemala in February of 2021 with a Guatemalan boyfriend and quite unsure where my path was headed. Good thing the Lord knew the plan because I was at a clear fork in the road: I had said “yes” to joining a Middle East team with full intentions of flying out within the year while also saying “yes” to pursuing marriage with a man I had known for two months…
While both paths contained dreams I had had for years, I had to choose one of those dreams to set on the shelf for a little while longer, so that the other dream could flourish.
Well, we all know which path I chose as I am very obviously married, but I think that the story still deserves telling! After leaving my vision trip in Guatemala in February, I almost immediately packed my bags again and drove across the US for a one month, cross-cultural training program for people serving overseas. I went there still in the mindset that I was going to launch to the Middle East in the coming future, but was also seeking the Lord with open hands as to what He might have!
After what felt like centuries of praying and seeking the Lord and walking down what felt like two opposite paths, I felt Him say “take the next step in your relationship with Aderkee.” Relieved to find direction, I booked a plane ticket back to Guatemala for the following month! The relationship with Aderkee was just too good to not pursue 100% in-person.
I’ll save 6 months worth of stories, but what I will say is that I flew back to Guatemala on faith, and the Lord went ABOVE AND BEYOND! He has given me a husband, a heart for Guatemala, and a new understanding of His perfect timing! What I once thought was a detour has now turned into a part of the path. I once thought Guatemala would be a “quick bump in the road”, but now it’s turned into a home where I get to build and settle. And I am forever thankful!
Now here are some cute wedding photos 🙂
Thanks for reading! Love and Blessings to you all <3