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Hi I’m Mikayla! Or Mik as some like to say. I love a good laugh, good music, a nice craft brew, random coffee shops, and good friends who love Jesus. When all of those things are combined on a weekend road trip….wow, those are some of my happiest moments.
making coffee in the mountains
(^me in my natural habitat)
I love traveling & meeting people & hearing their stories. Hence why I spent a year of my life living in 11 different countries on the World Race. God wrecked me on this trip, and I invite you to read my old blogs if you’d like to know more about this journey.
I love going on random, silly adventures and not having life too planned out. Adventures like finding a random hole in the wall restaurant or a local hiking trail or some hidden gem coffee shop where I can spend hours on end reading my Bible and spending time with Jesus. I don’t like to stay in one place for too long, and I have a tendency to get restless after doing boring things for too many days in a row (enneagram 7 probs). 
Blue Ridge Mountains
(the Blue Ridge mountains–one of the happiest places on earth)
I like learning, I like growing, I like challenging myself to try new things and push my limits. I love going on runs in the middle of nowhere cornfields or hiking with my friends through a random state park. Once I trained for a marathon and would run 10 miles off campus into the middle of the cornfields, where I could look out for miles and miles into the flatlands of Illinois. Those are moments that I cherish—being able to get away from the hustle and bustle of a crowded town and spend quiet moments with The Father. Being in the midst of His nature only to realize how small I am and how majestic He is—the Creator of the Universe.
I love missions. I love living life on a mission for Jesus no matter where I’m at. I come alive when I’m overseas spreading the gospel to unreached people, hence why I’m in the process of moving overseas full-time. BUT I firmly believe that our life is a mission field, so we should live life as followers of Jesus no matter where we’re at, amen?!
kids in Bolivia
(we got the opportunity to teach kids English in Bolivia and it was unforgettable!)
embrace the journey.

^^I try to live this out as my life motto, but tbh I’m not always great at it. I have a tendency to get stuck in my own world and not be present where I’m at. BUT as much as I can, I try to embrace things as they come and enjoy life in the process rather than trying to jump to the next big thing. It’s been SO COOL learning to find joy in being still and slowing down from my normal pace of life. 

peace sign on a canyon

Soo yeah, that’s a little bit about me! Please, don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to get together and share stories!